Franciscans Chapels (Station 7 of Via Dolorosa)

By the Editors of the Madain Project

The Franciscans' chapels, also known as station 7 of Via Dolorosa today, are situated at the seventh station at the intersection between Via Dolorosa and Khan Az-Zeit Market Street. It is historically the intersection between a cross street of Aeria Capitolina (formerly Roman and Byzantine Jerusalem) and the Cardo Maximus at the time of the Roman Emperor Hadrian.


The chapels are located immediately outside the first century Gate of Judgement through which Jesus left the city of Jerusalem for his crucifixion outside the city. Prior to the 16th century, this location was the 8th and last station. The facade of the Franciscans Chapels built at the end of the nineteenth century are juxtaposed one beside the other and mark the place where Jesus fell for the second time.



Roman Tetrapylon
The remains of the Roman tetrapylon as seen from the second chapel, the first chapel alter in behind the large stone base. Pass this column, this is the second chapel, which corresponds to the location of station 7 on Via Dolorosa. The interior of the second chapel, inside we discover a gold statue that still represents Jesus carrying the heavy and massive cross.


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