The Ludus Magnus, literally meaning the Great Gladiatorial Training School, was the largest of the gladiatorial schools in ancient Rome. It was built by the emperor Domitian (reigned 81–96 CE) in the late first century CE. The ludus school is situated directly east of the Flavian Amphitheater (Colosseum) in the valley between the Esquiline and the Caelian hills, an area already occupied by Republican and Augustan period buildings.
The Ludus Magnus was initially built alongside other building projects undertaken by emperor Domitian such as three other gladiatorial schools across the Roman Empire. However, the remains that are visible today, belong to a reconstruction that took place during the reign of emperor Trajan (reignd 98–117 CE) where the ground level of the ludus was raised by about 1.5 metres (4 feet 11 inches). The plan (part of) of the ludus is known from the Forma Urbis Romae, the Severan period (circa 203-2011 CE) map of ancient Rome.
The Ludus Magnus was essentially a gladiatorial arena where gladiators from across the Roman Empire would live, eat, and practice while undergoing gladiatorial training in preparation for fighting at the gladiatorial games held at the nearby amphitheater (Colosseum). The Colosseum was where Gladiators would go to fight their opposition in real combat.
The Ludus Magnus was built directly to the east of the Colosseum in order to provide gladiators with accessibility to their main fighting venue. Though it is not aligned axially to the Colosseum, it does lie just north of it along the square of the Colosseum between the ancient Via Labicana and Via di San Giovanni. The location of the ludus was chosen in order to connect it to the Colosseum through an underground gallery. A path with an entrance 22.17 feet wide which began underneath the amphitheater reached the ludus at its south-west corner.
circa 70-80 CE
Classical Antiquity
The Ludus Magnus was constructed under the reign of emperor Domitian during the late first century CE. He also erected three other ludi around the same time (such as the Dacian, Gallic, and Matutinus or Morning School), though the Ludus Magnus was the largest of the four training schools that Domitian erected in the area surrounding the Colosseum.
The Ludus Magnus underwent various reconstructions under succeeding emperors during the Roman Empire period. For instance, changes were undertaken under Trajan so that the pavement level was raised by 1.4 meters culminating in the structure that can be seen today. Hadrian also added certain refinements as the structure suffered fire damage in the late second century. And then emperor Caracalla also saw to some repairs and modifications during his reign, with other additions occurring under unclear patronage throughout the active life of the Ludus Magnus.
In late antiquity the gladiatorial school, along with the Colosseum, largely went out of use due to a lack of need in society for gladiatorial games as a form of entertainment when gladiatorial combat was outlawed in the fifth century CE. The building was abandoned in the sixth century CE when the space was then used to house a small cemetery. By the middle of the sixth century, the area was no longer cared for and numerous churches were built, as the population continued to decrease.
Post Classical Period
The structural remains were rediscovered in 1937 CE during construction work taking place near the Colosseum, though excavations did not occur until 1957–61 CE. Situated between the Via Labicana (to the north) and Via di San Giovanni in Laterano (to the south), excavations were carried out for less than half of the overall building. However, in light of the educated assumption that the structure was largely symmetrical and additional help from the marble plan, a restored plan for the entire structure has been postulated.
circa 70-80 CE
The structure of the Ludus Magnus comprised of two major elements, the central arena and the surrounding barracks. Access points would have been located along the Via Labicana whereby one descended steps to the level of the arena floor below the surrounding street level. The archaeological remains visible today represent roughly less than half of the practice arena and barracks, while the rest of the structure remains hidden under street level and other buildings. According to Claridge, under Trajan the seating area and ground level were elevated while the arena level remained the same.
A large part of the brickwork structures were also originally covered by marble slabs that were later removed. While there is a lack of remains for the upper storeys, it has been theorised that the second storey replicated the plan of the lower level in general layout and usage, while the third storey likely had an open gallery in light of the portico. It has also been postulated that there was a large axial hall encompassed on all three sides by colonnades with five entrances serving as a sacrarium or armamentarium.
The central courtyard which served as arena was an ellipsoidal "cavea" in which the gladiators practiced. It was circumscribed by steps of a small cavea, probably reserved for a limited number of spectators. The size of the arena was relatively average (though slightly smaller than the Colosseum's) sitting at roughly 63 x 42 meters. The cavea surrounding the arena has been calculated to encompass nine gradus, with a support system of concrete vaults over brick-faced concrete walls. In order to reach the cavea one would access a small staircase. Then there were ceremonial entrances located along the long entrance with smaller boxes located on the small axis.
Surrounding the arena were a large number of chambers which provided accommodation to the gladiators and other support staff/slaves. There were also underground chambers which were likely used for storage purposes. The foundation of the cavea was also elevated 2.75 meters above the arena with a rectangular portico surrounding it with columns in two storeys, the lower in unfluted travertine Tuscan style and presumably Ionic above with no surviving capitals to confirm and the Ionic column features themselves belonging to a later repair than original construction. Throughout the sides of the portico were openings to various small rectangular chambers which would have served as living quarters for the gladiators, as well as stairs leading up to the second storey. We also have evidence of a second row of small spaces located behind the rectangular chambers along the north and south sides with access outwards to the street that were likely used as shops in antiquity
In the northwest corner of the portico, one of the four small, triangular fountains (inspect) has been restored. It lies in the spaces between the curved wall of the cavea and the colonnade. A cement block remained between two brick walls, converging at an acute angle.
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