Helicopter Hieroglyphs

By the Editors of the Madain Project

The term "Helicopter Hieroglyphs" refers to a modern interpretation of a set of certain ancient Egyptian reliefs, found in the Temple of Seti I in Abydos, where some believe the hieroglyphs depict what resemble modern machines such as helicopters, submarines, war tanks and an aircraft. This theory, popularized by alternative history proponents, suggests that ancient Egyptians either had knowledge of advanced technologies or were visited by extraterrestrial beings who shared such knowledge.

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The so-called "Helicopter Hieroglyphs" are a set of at least four ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs or symbols, depicting a helicopter, submarine or airship, war tank and an aircraft. They have been wrongly interpreted as an out-of-place artifact depicting a helicopter and other examples of advanced technology, in pseudo-scientific ancient astronaut circles.

List of Hieroglyphs

circa 1279-1213 BCE

Helicopter Hieroglyph
The so-called helicopter-hieroglyph, a palimpsest relief, is a result two overlapping inscriptions, the titles of Ramesses II superimposed on those of his predecessor Seti I. It is part of the upper most register of the linter.

The first or the initial carving (inspect) was made during the reign of Seti I (circa 1294–1279 BCE) and translates to:

Powerful of scimitar, who suppresses the nine bows (enemies of Egypt), [...], Menmaatra (throne name of Seti I)

The second (inspect) belongs to Ramesses II (circa 1279–1213 BCE), Seti's successor, had the hieroglyphs filled in with plaster and re-carved the inscription to:

Two Ladies: protector of Egypt, who repels foreign lands, [...], Usermaatra-Setepenre (throne name of Ramesses II)

circa 1279-1213 BCE

War Tank and Submarine
The war-tank and the submarine (or airship) are situated to the right of the first helicopter hieroglyph. The upper register or carving depicts a resemblance of a war-tank and directy below it a carving showing a resemblance of a submarine or airship.

circa 1279-1213 BCE

The aircraft, the last of the so-called "helicopter-hieroglyphs" is the lowest register.

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