House of Livia

By the Editors of the Madain Project

The so-called "House of Livia" (Casa di Livia) is the eastern section of the much larger Domus Augusti archaeological complex, which also includes the so-called "House of Augustus".


The structure, which once formed parts of the larger Domus Augusti complex, was built on the Germalus sumit of the Palatine Hill in the first half of the first century BCE, and was later restored in 30 BCE. The floors are covered with simple decorations such as black tessera motifs on a white tessera background, and frescoes covering the walls.

The tablinum and triclinium were the main rooms containing the most interesting sequence of paintings. The frescoes feature a low podium under a series of columns splitting the wall and supporting a false coffered ceiling through the perspective, also creating an illusory visual depth. Imaginary perspectives open up in the space between the columns: the middle section features a copy of the famous ancient painting "Me, guarded by Argos and Mercury, who comes to free her", a famous mythological scene painted by Nicia.

The wall at the entrance once featured a painting, now lost, of the myth of Polyphemus and Galatea. On both sides other false openings stretch over perspectives of great architecture and imaginary landscapes. The false architectures are decorated with motifs of sphinxes, winged figures and candelabra. In the next room the wall is crossed by festoons and garlands with fruit and framed by a similar series of columns and architectural elements. A framed frieze runs along the entire upper part of the wall: the sketch-like technique and the use of highlights make the egyptian style sequence blurred.

The building is related to Livia, wife of Augustus (even though others consider Livia as the daughter of Tiberius Nero) due to the lead pipes engraved with the name of the owner: IULIA AUGUSTA (inspect).


circa 40 BCE-14 CE

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