Statue of Padiiset

By the Editors of the Madain Project
#Statue of Padiiset The Padiiset's Statue or Pateese's Statue, also described as the Statue of a vizier usurped by Padiiset, is a basalt statue found in 1894 in the Egyptian delta which includes an inscription referring to trade between Canaan and Ancient Egypt during the Third Intermediate Period. It was purchased by Henry Walters in 1928, and is now in the Walters Art Museum.
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It is the last known Egyptian reference to Canaan, coming more than 300 years after the preceding known inscription.

The statue is made of black basalt and measures 30.5 x 10.25 x 11.5 cm, and was originally created in the Middle Kingdom period to commemorate a government vizier.

A remarkable example of the re-use of a work of art, the small statue reflects the course of Egypt's long history. A thousand years later the inscription naming this unknown man was erased, and a carved scene was added depicting its new owner, Pa-di-iset, son of Apy, worshipping the gods Osiris, Horus, and Isis. From a text on the rear of the statue we learn that Pa-di-iset was a diplomatic messenger to the neighboring lands of Canaan and Peleset (Palestine).

Inscription Details

circa 1740 BCE

The inscriptions read: Ka of Osiris:
Pa-di-iset, the justified, son of Apy. The only renowned one, the impartial envoy/commissioner/messenger of/for Canaan of/for Peleset, Pa-di-iset, son of Apy.

See Also


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