The Eshab-ı Kehf Cave (Eshab-ı Kehf Mağarası or Ashab-ı Kehf Mağarası), also known as the Seven Sleepers, is a tourist cave situated to the north of Tarsus, an ilçe (district) in the Mersin Province or modern day Turkey. The cave, situated approximately 14 kilometers from Tarsus and 40 kilometers from Mersin, rests at the base of a modest hill.
The tradition of the "Companions of the Cave" is narrated in the Surah al-Kahf, eighteenth chapter, of Quran. The verses from 9 to 26 of the chapter recall the extra-biblical Christian tradition of the "companions of the cave". A few young believers who lived in a time when they were persecuted for their beliefs. Upon the guidance of God, they fled the city where believers were persecuted, together with their dog, and took refuge in a cave where they fell asleep for a number of years. When they awoke they found that the people of the city had become believers.
circa 1872 CE
The small square mosque was built by the mufti of the city, Ahmet Efendi, in the name of Sultan Abdulaziz's mother in 1872 CE (1289 Hijri). The architect of the mosque is not unknown.
The square planned mosque is covered with a dome, placed on an octagonal frame. There are two windows on each facade. There are four columns and three domed narthexes on the narth and a small minaret with a single balcony on the south-west corner. A second, taller, minaret was built at the eastern side of the msoque which was externded with additions at the south. The mosque minaret has three balconies (şerefes) and the access is provided by a number of ladders to each balcony of the minaret. The mosque was heavily restoer by Vakifiar Genel Mudurlugu (Directorate of Waqfs) in 2006 CE.
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