Tomb of Rachel (Bilal bin Rabah mosque)

By the Editors of the Madain Project

The burial place of the matriarch Rachel (قبر راحيل), also known as the Bilal bin Rabaha Masjid (مسجد بلال بن رباح), as mentioned in the Jewish Tanach and Christian Old Testament, and in Muslim literature is contested between this site and several others to the north — though this site is by far the most recognized candidate.


circa 10 BCE

The tomb, located at the northern entrance of Bethlehem, is built in the style of a traditional maqam. The burial place of the matriarch Rachel as mentioned in the Jewish Tanakh, the Christian Old Testament and in Muslim literature is contested between this site and several others to the north. Although this site is considered unlikely to be the actual site of the grave, it is by far the most recognized candidate.

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