Tomb of Abu Darda

By the Editors of the Madain Project

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This article attempts to enlist all the known (purported) tombs/burial sites of Abu Darda, a prominent companion of propeht Muhammad. Most notable of the purported tombs of abi Darda, a prominent companion of prophet Muhammad, is located within the Citadel of Damascus. The origins of the mosque and tomb are unclear, as there are least two other sites are known as the purported site of burial of Abu Darda, one in egypt and the other is in Jordan. None of these are the established or proven sites of Abi Darda's burial.

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List of the Purported Tombs

circa 650 CE

Tomb of abu Darda

Tomb of Abu Darda in Damascus
Grave of abi Darda, located within Mosque of abi Darda in Damascus, Syria. It seems unlikely that this is the original tomb, if it was in Damascus to begin with, would have survived through the often turbulent Seljuq, Ayyubid and Mamluk periods. The small mosque is only open during regular prayer times, and the tomb is located on the eastern side of the prayer hall. Archaeologist Carl Watzinger dated the tomb to 1733, suggesting it was built during the Ottoman period as a cenotaph.

circa 650 CE

Maqam Abi Darda in Alexandria
The building that is believed to house the tomb of Abu Darda is located in the heart of the city of Alexandria (Egypt) in a residential area. written there (green khat riq'ah): haaza maqamun sayyidi Abi Darda', as-sohaabi (this is the tomb of Lord Abi Darda', a companion). The Maqam Abu al-Dardaa, one of the mosques established in the era of the Ayyubid state in Egypt, is located in the frankincense area next to the Omari Mosque in central Alexandria.

circa 650 CE

Mausoleum-shrine of Abu Darda in Jordan
The shrine of the companion Abu al-Darda (مقام أبي الدرداء) in Jordan is located in a small town of Soom (سوم), some 15 km from the city of Irbid. The cenotaph is inside a small square building, atop a small peak. The maqam, which was rebuilt in 1966, is made of white limestone; it consists of one square-shaped chamber with a five-meter-long ridge topped with a dome from the center. It has two windows and one entrance from the south.

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