The Dome of the Prophet (قبة النبي, Qubbat an-Nabi), also known as the Dome of the Messenger and the Dome of Muhammed is a free-standing dome-structure, located north-west of the Dome of the Rock.
Originally, the Dome of the Prophet, which dates back to before Crusader period, was rebuilt by Muhammad Bey, the Ottoman Governor of al-Quds al-Sharif in 1539 CE during the reign of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman. Its last renovation was during the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid II.
Also known as the Dome of the Prophet's Prayer Niche (قبة محراب النبي), it is one of the several domes in the Haram as-Sharif complex.
Several Muslim writers, most notably al-Suyuti and al-Vâsıtî claimed that the site of the dome is where prophet Muhammad led the former prophets and angels in prayer on the night of Isra and Mir'aj before ascending to Heaven. Endowment documents from the Ottoman period indicate that a portion of the endowment of the Masjid al-Aqsa and Haseki Sultan Imaret was dedicated to maintain the lighting of an oil-lamp in the Dome of the Prophet each night.
The dome, which is covered with sheet lead and being without walls, is hemispherical in its shape. The cupola of the dome is topped with a finial or lantern, bearing a crescent. Probably made out of wood, it is sheeted with lead and has ribs around it for architectural reinforcement. The dome sits on an octagonal base supported by eight marble columns.
Eight marble columns support the dome, joined with pointed arches. The arches are decorated with red, black and white stones. The columns are topped with decorated capitals.
Mihrab and Musallah
Below the dome, a single mussalah (prayer rug) pattern is made out of colored stones. this musallah is surrounded by a low stone wall on all sides, except a small entrance on one side. There's very limited space inside the small psuedo-mosque, as only one person can offer salah at a time. This may have been installed during late Ottoman period. On the outer side of the Mihrab there's a stone that bears an Arabic inscription (inspect).
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